Thursday, April 15, 2010


I really liked the usher in this story. He is a key element to every movie goers experience, but ultimately goes unnoticed. We don't really use the usher now days in movie theatres except to hand them a ticket only to have them tell us what movie theatre we are in. In the old days it was an art form, an art form that has long since deceased. I got this image of this kid who saw importance in what he did at the movie theatre. You got a glimpse of how important a usher's job really was. If the usher didn't run the theatre the way it should have been run, you were not going to see that movie. The Ushers were the ultimate power in the theatre industry and as important as the movie itself.
My favorite part in this story is when Dybeck states : it was a theatre manager who spotted him in the nearly faceless crowd of gaspers that disasters assemble. it was the theatre manager who later explained to him that out of all the spectators he was the only one with the haloed profile of a pyromaniac, that in black and white night the flames had played Technicolor on his face. I love the imagery in this part, you can see what the manager sees. That in a crowd of all these people one kid had the look, the look that certain people just have when big things happen. For some reason these people stand out to us and call upon our attention and we see this gleaming in their eyes.


  1. I like your perspective on ushers. Makes me look at the story differently. Thanks

  2. yea i agree that being an usher is an dying art form and that their importance is dwidling. It seems like the usher really wants to work hard in this story and gets little respect for it. that relatable for a lot of people

  3. I choose the same sentence because you could actually see everything that was going on and also you could tell how excited he was to get this job.
